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Flour Play: An Afro-Indigenous Baking Lab

Join Deep Routes in the kitchen for our 2nd Annual Black and Indigenous foodways centered baking course!

This series will be at the 101 level technique-wise (think simple cakes, cookies, and breads), and offer 4 hands-on in-person sessions to practice and apply fundamental baking techniques and concepts. This series will hold introductory discussions about the plants, bakers, and farmers of African, Asian, and Indigenous diasporas that make modern baking possible. This course will center people of Afro & Indigenous diaspora. White participants are welcome to join if they’re able to pay at the highest rate.

This 4-part Course will support you in:

  • Developing a foundational understanding of working with flours, fats, sugars, leaveners, and flavorings in baking.

  • Contextualizing baking in the historical context of BIPOC foodways and movements.

  • Deepening your relationship to the plants and pastry arts stories of Afro-Indigenous diasporas.

  • Feeling more confident when it comes to baking!

October 19

THE SOUL OF FOOD Session 4: For the Love of Grains

March 8

A Gathering of Stones: Stories of Communal Grain Production