Need a workshop scholarship or discounted tickets?

While we try to make most of our educational offerings free, this is only possible if the organization we’re partnering with can cover the cost of materials, facilitation, and other costs to make the workshop happen.

When we occasionally offer workshops and events registration fees, we do our best to make a few scholarships or discounts available to those whom the cost of attending would be a huge hit or burden to their finances. Therefore, if you’d like to attend and are a Black or Indigenous person whose income is below $40k please complete the following form and we’ll follow up with you.

NOTE: Discount requests for the Flour Play 2024 course will be reviewed up to October 14th, 2024 11:59pm EST, or until they’ve all been allocated.

If you have any issues or questions, or don’t hear from us within a week after submitting this form please reach out at