Summer Tomato Care @ENYF
Opening the session with pauses in between trains passing.
This past Thursday we held a Summer Tomato Care workshop with East New York Farms (ENYF!) at their UCC Youth Farm location and talked about all things tomatoes, from its origins in South America and dishes to different types of tomatoes and their pruning and trellising needs. Although there are an abundance of trellising methods out there we focused on the Florida Weave technique and everyone got a chance to practice it alongside a little bit of pruning practice before we closed out.
Gratitude for ENYF! for hosting us and everyone who came out on this beautiful summer evening.
Participants gathering around the facilitator to see some very leafed out tomatoes which we were about to get trellised up and pruned.
Participants getting a closer look at what’s about to be pruned.
Participants practicing the pruning and trellising techniques they just saw demonstrated.
Participants practicing the pruning and trellising techniques they just saw demonstrated.
Participants practicing the pruning and trellising techniques they just saw demonstrated.
Participants and the farm manager (center) practicing the pruning and trellising techniques they just saw demonstrated.